UVA Peer contact

If you would like to talk to someone confidentially as an empathetic friend for support or just a conversation, please feel free to reach out to us directly using the form below. This person is not a certified counselor, but rather a UVA student who can listen and empathize.

Kendall and Ian have both completed Mental Health First Aid certifications, and you can read their letter here.


VCU Peer contact

If you would like to talk to someone as an empathetic friend for support or just a conversation, please feel free to reach out to us directly using the form below. This person is not a certified counselor, but rather a VCU student who can listen and empathize.

While our peer contacts are here to offer a listening ear, it is important to note that they are also obligated to report any information or situations that are of concern to the VCU administration. This reporting responsibility is in place to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of all members of our university community. It is not intended to discourage open and honest conversations, but rather to ensure that appropriate measures can be taken if someone's well-being or safety is at risk. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and supportive environment at VCU.

Vivian has completed a Mental Health First Aid certification.