If you’re reading this, you know what it is like to be overwhelmed.
"When it rains, it pours" is a common expression. These past few months, I became overwhelmed with school, overwhelmed with a new job and a new relationship. I thought everything was great, until I totaled my car, got valley fever, got COVID, and personally struggled with severe generalized anxiety disorder and ADHD. That made me feel even more overwhelmed and behind. As you could probably guess, I did poorly in school that semester. And, once I finally bought a new car, I lost my job. Before I started seeking help for all of these feelings, I would just be stuck in bed. No talking, no music, just silence.
Now that I have been taking care of myself mentally, I am not retreating into my shell like I used to always do. I saw it as an opportunity to grow and work on myself. I started to see my behaviors clearly and instead of thinking "Why was I so stupid”, I thought, "What are my next steps and how do I make sure this doesn't happen again?” I worked on self-leadership, organization, communication skills, and creating a beautiful resume. Within a month I already have a better job, I am back on track with school, and I am learning everyday how to be a better person (and in the past year I've lost over 100 lbs by focusing on my own mental health).
If you are reading this, talk to someone. Whether it be a trusted friend or mentor, or in my case a mental health professional. I was shocked by how many things became easier when I started to realize why I felt that way and it helped me change my mindset. College is hard don't get me wrong, especially since there is no "perfect path" to follow. Once I realized that other people are just normal people too (including your interviewers, teachers, etc), I realized that there are so many more resources available to help than I thought. I just had to be willing to ask. You can do this. I promise. Just breathe and remember why you are here.
Anonymous., Arizona State University
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