If you’re reading this, you are way too important to feel alone today.
We are Grant, Eric, Zach, Jack, and Tyler, and we are the executive team for the Green Bandana Project at UVA.
The Green Bandana Project (GBP) is a peer mental health outreach network at UVA. We originally found out about GBP on the internet - it was founded at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and quickly spread to a handful of smaller schools in the midwest. Last spring, we decided it would be a great idea to bring the mission to UVA! The goal of the Green Bandana Project is to create a visible network of allies for all students on Grounds. Everyone has times when they need someone to talk to, and too often, people feel like they are alone in their struggles. Due to the stigma surrounding mental health, many are hesitant to reach out - even to friends and family.
By taking the pledge, members of the UVA community agree to be a listening ear for their peers. Members of GBP receive a lime green bandana upon joining the group, which is then tied onto the strap of each member's backpack (or anywhere visible) as a symbol of their openness and availability to listen. Additionally, members are given resource cards to help their peers find outlets for further assistance if they need it.
We don’t claim to be mental health experts; we are simply students who value an inclusive and caring environment, and feel that a visible support network could foster just that.
Ultimately, we want to perpetuate an atmosphere at this university where people will support you, and you will be supported, no matter what. We hope that this mission can further unite our community and create lasting change on Grounds.
Feel free to check out our instagram (@greenbandanauva) and take the pledge on our website (uvagbp.com) to join the Green Bandana Project at UVA!
If you’re reading this, you are way too important to feel alone today. Know that there is a community of Hoos that cares about you.
Green Bandana Project
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