If you're reading this, know that I've got your back.
Right here, right now. I understand that you and I may have not met face to face. But that does not mean that I cannot understand how you're feeling at this moment. I empathize with your pain, anger, and sadness. People often make the mistake of saying, "Everyone goes through hard times," which can unintentionally take away from how what you are experiencing right now, almost as if to invalidate your grief. That is not what you need right now.
What you need, what you deserve, is a comforting presence, a hug, and a proper dose of Hershey's Kisses.
Allow me to take a moment to affirm in you that you are an amazing person. No one can do all of the things that you can. No one can replace your presence.
Oftentimes in the midst of the chaos and hurt of this life, we feel like it is us against the world, as if we must shoulder the burden of the entire Earth, like the Greek god, Atlas. At the end of the day, though, we are not gods; we are only human, after all. But fear not, that is not a statement of weakness, but strength: our human nature empowers us to band together in solidarity, to stand up together, to fight together. Do not let yourself fight your battles alone, reinforcements are always just one call or text away!
If you ever find that you are doubting yourself, read this letter again. See these words of encouragement, and take refuge in them. Know that you can lean on me.
The world has never seen anything quite like you, and never will again, so embrace yourself, and stay strong.
Paco A., University of Virginia